Holidays for clients coming from abroad

Current valid rules for entry into the territory of the Slovak Republic

Currently valid rules regarding entering the Slovak Republic

Dear clients, we would like to inform you that in connection with the current anti-pandemic measures, the conditions for arriving from abroad to the Slovak Republic are being tightened. As of 19 July 2021, a new Decree 231/2021 comes into force, which regulates measures in the event of a threat to public health to the quarantine obligations of persons after entering the territory of the Slovak Republic.

  1. REGISTRATION E-BORDER: Every person who enters the territory of the Slovak Republic from 19.07.2021 must register at This applies to all, both vaccinated persons and persons applying for an exemption from quarantine. Compliance with this obligation is checked directly at the border by the police. Due to possible delays, it is necessary to take into account the time reserve when planning the trip.
  2. QUARANTINE: Persons entering the territory of Slovakia will have to remain in quarantine for 14 days, unless the persons have any symptoms and have not been tested during quarantine. However, it is possible to end the quarantine earlier, after a negative result of the RT-PCR test, which can be performed at the earliest on the 5th day of the quarantine. Ordering for testing is possible on the website In addition, children under 12 are exempt from testing and quarantine as another member of the household (provided they have no coronavirus symptoms) on day 14 of quarantine or after negative RT-PCR results from other members of the household (eg parents or older siblings). Vaccinated persons submit a GreenPass vaccination card or a National Vaccination Certificate with a QR code, or another document in Slovak, Czech or English, which confirms vaccination from non-European countries. The quarantine also applies to members of the common household who have not traveled. For example, if you decide to spend quarantine with friends in Slovakia, they will complete the quarantine together with you. It takes 14 days without testing. If such persons decide to test, the earliest testing on day 5 again applies and quarantine can be terminated upon receipt of a negative RT-PCR test report. Quarantine is not obligatory for persons aged 12 to 18 if no one else in the common household has compulsory quarantine (applies temporarily until 9.8.2021), for example if such a person has been staying, traveling or in a camp. Persons who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons must submit a confirmation according to the model in the annex to the decree, and must have a negative RT-PCR test result not older than 72 hours. Other exceptions are listed in Decree no. 231/2021.

Exemptions from quarantine will be granted to persons who are fully vaccinated.

The following is considered to be a fully vaccinated person:

  • a person for at least 14 days but not more than 12 months after administration of a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine with a two-dose schedule,
  • a person for at least 21 days but not more than 12 months after the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine with a single-dose schedule, or
  • a person for at least 14 days and not more than 12 months after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, if the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered within 180 days of the COVID-19 disease.


  • Vzťahuje sa na prílet na letisko na území Slovenska.
  • Každá osoba musí vyplniť formulár na stránke
  • Pri prílete z krajín, ktoré nie sú uvedené v zozname, sa pri prílete treba preukázať negatívnym výsledkom RT-PCR testu nie starším ako 72 hodín - platí aj pre zaočkované osoby. Táto podmienka je stanovená preto, že cestujúci prichádzajú rizikovým typom dopravy z krajiny, v ktorej hrozí zvýšené riziko nákazy epidemiologicky závažným variantom vírusu SARS-CoV-2. Kombináciou registrácie a testovania sa významne znižuje riziko zavlečenia a následného nekontrolovaného šírenia nových nebezpečnejších variantov pandemického vírusu.
  • Zoznam krajín, z ktorých netreba negatívny test: Albánsko, Andorra, Arménsko, Austrália, Azerbajdžan, Bielorusko, Belgicko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Bulharsko, Čierna Hora, Čína, Česká republika, Chorvátsko, Cyprus, Dánsko, Estónsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Grécko, Gruzínsko, Holandsko, Hongkong, Írsko, Island, Izrael, Japonsko, Jordánsko, Kanada, Južná Kórea, Kosovo, Kuba, Libanon, Lichtenštajnsko, Litva, Lotyšsko, Luxembursko, Macau, Maďarsko, Malta, Moldavsko, Monako, Nemecko, Nórsko, Nový Zéland, Poľsko, Rakúsko, Rumunsko, San Marino, Severné Macedónsko, Singapur, Slovinsko, Španielsko, USA, Mexiko, Srbsko, Švajčiarsko, Švédsko, Taiwan, Turecko, Ukrajina.

Use face masks

Wash your hands, use gloves or hand sanitizers

We recommend to keep a safe distance (at least 2 metres)

Accommodation in Jasná

Stay in a pleasant mountain environment in the Low Tatras. The cable cars are included during your stay.

Accommodation in Jasná →

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